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Acne Treatment Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

Posted on 2 May, 2024 by Royal Enfield Clinic Abu Dhabi

Acne, the scourge of adolescence and often lingering into adulthood, is a skin condition that affects millions worldwide. Countless treatments, remedies, and old wives' tales circulate about how to banish those pesky pimples. However, amidst the plethora of advice, there's also a fair share of misinformation. In this article, we'll debunk common acne treatment in muscat and shed light on what actually works.

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Myth 1: "Sunlight Clears Acne" One of the oldest myths surrounding acne is that sun exposure can help clear it up. While it's true that sun exposure can initially dry out the skin and reduce inflammation, the long-term effects are detrimental. Prolonged sun exposure can lead to increased oil production, clogged pores, and ultimately worsen acne. Additionally, UV radiation damages the skin and increases the risk of skin cancer. The temporary improvement in acne is not worth the long-term consequences.

Fact: Protect your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen daily, even if you have acne. Look for non-comedogenic, oil-free sunscreen formulas to avoid clogging pores.

Myth 2: "Toothpaste Dries Out Pimples" Applying toothpaste to pimples is a common DIY remedy touted as a quick fix for acne. While toothpaste contains ingredients like baking soda and hydrogen peroxide that can dry out pimples, it's not formulated for application on the skin. Toothpaste can be too harsh and cause irritation, redness, and even chemical burns, especially on sensitive skin.

Fact: Opt for acne spot treatments containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, which are specifically formulated to target pimples without harming the surrounding skin.

Myth 3: "Popping Pimples Makes Them Go Away Faster" The temptation to pop a pimple can be overwhelming, especially when it's front and center on your face. However, popping pimples can lead to more harm than good. Squeezing or picking at pimples can cause trauma to the skin, push bacteria deeper into the pore, and increase inflammation and the risk of scarring.

Fact: Resist the urge to pop pimples and instead, treat them with topical acne medications or spot treatments. If you're struggling with severe acne, consult a dermatologist for professional guidance and treatment options.

Myth 4: "Only Teenagers Get Acne" While acne is commonly associated with adolescence due to hormonal changes, it can affect people of all ages. Adult acne, especially in women, is increasingly prevalent and can be triggered by hormonal fluctuations, stress, diet, and skincare products.

Fact: Acne can persist into adulthood, and effective treatment options are available regardless of age. Consult a dermatologist to develop a personalized skincare routine and treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Myth 5: "Eating Greasy Foods Causes Acne" The belief that greasy foods like pizza and fries directly cause acne has been perpetuated for decades. While diet can play a role in acne development for some individuals, the link between greasy foods and acne is not as straightforward as once thought.

Fact: Research suggests that high-glycemic foods and dairy products may exacerbate acne in certain individuals. However, the impact of diet on acne varies from person to person. Maintaining a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can support overall skin health.


Navigating the maze of acne treatment options can be daunting, especially when faced with misinformation and myths. By debunking common acne treatment myths and focusing on evidence-based practices, you can make informed decisions about managing your acne. Remember to prioritize gentle skincare, avoid harsh remedies, and consult a dermatologist for personalized treatment recommendations. With the right approach, clear skin is within reach.

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